Sunday, July 31, 2016

2016 Awards

The League Awards are voted on by the league board with some input from selected veteran captains. Remember if you don't like's men's league.

East Awards
MVP:  Ryan Flynn (BOHICA)
Rookie of the Year:  Mike Rapoza (Put Some Respek)
Defensive Player of the Year: Connor Costello (Youngbloodz)
Captain of the Year (Organization etc): Cory Pryor (Put Some Respek)
Kyle Dean Citizen of the Year: Drew Osei (Put Some Respek)

All BVBL East First Team
Ryan Flynn (BOHICA)
Sam Longwell (BOHICA)
Cory Pryor (Put Some Respek)
Stef Masciarelli (Suns)
Dan Main (Youngbloodz)

All BVBL East Second Team
Ian Converse (Youngbloodz)
Tyler Deleroy (Put Some Respek)
Dom Mastascusta (Leftover Lasagna)
Ryan Sheehan (BOHICA)
Eric Guglielmello (Leftover Lasagna)

All BVBL East Rookie  Team
Mike Rapoza (Put Some Respek)
Kyle McKissick (Put Some Respek)
Josh Ribierio (Airport Video)
Nate Stitchell (Airport Video)
Jimmy Pina (Airport Video)

All BVBL East Defensive Team
Connor Costello (Youngbloodz)
Eric Guglielmello (Leftover)
Ryan Flynn (BOHICA)
Zach Valliere (BOHICA)
Josh Ribiero (Airport Video)

West Awards

MVP: Jay Snow (Birdmen)
Rookie of the Year: Kyle Howes (Misty Geebs)
Defensive Player of the Year: Sam Fanfan (Birdmen)
Captain of the Year (Organization etc): Jeremy Bridge (Birdmen)
Dan Bessa Citizen of the Year: Will Michaslki (508 Athletics)

All BVBL West First Team
Jay Snow (Birdmen)
Sam Fanfan (Birdmen)

Jimmy Donnelly (Sutton TBA)
Andreas Kontaplidis (508 Athletics)
Kyle Howes (Misty Geebs)

All BVBL West Second Team
Tommy Mooney (Sutton TBA)
Asong Leke (Misty Geebs)
Jake Ramos (Heat Check)
Cory Matthews (Heat Check)
Daquan Antoine (Heat Check)

All BVBL West Rookie  Team
Kyle Howes (Misty Geebs)
Asong Leke (Misty Geebs)

Brandon Olski (508 Athletics)
Tommy Mooney (Sutton TBA)
Cal Howes (Misty Geebs)

All BVBL West Defensive Team
Sam Fanfan (Birdmen)
Niko Bryant (Birdmen)
Tommy Mooney (Sutton TBA)
Kevin Bresciani (Misty Geebs)
Dave Farrer (Madmen)

Central Awards

MVP: Cory Gomes (Senior Spartans)
Rookie of the Year: Jordan Johnson (DVC Elite)
Defensive Player of the Year: Jerrell Cromwell (H1 And1)
Captain of the Year (Organization etc): Dan Donahue (Senior Spartans)
Erich Slagel Citizen of the Year: Chuck Martel (Pro Am)

All BVBL Central First Team
Cory Gomes (Senior Spartans)
Joey Mespelli (Australian Amigos)
Doug Roberge (Washed Up)
Jordan Johnson (DVC Elite)
Ryan Bellan (Washed Up)

All BVBL Central Second Team
Brennan Bennett (Senior Spartans)
Josh Euglow (Washed Up)
Jerrell Cromwell (H1 and1)
Bobby Perette (Danny's Variety)
Paul Beera (Danny's Variety)

All BVBL Central Rookie  Team
Jordan Johnson (DVC Elite)
Jerrell Cromwell (H1 and1)
Luke Cowan (DVC Elite)
Paul Beera (Danny's Variety)
John Maguire (H1 And1)

All BVBL Central Defensive Team
Jerrell Cromwell (H1 and1)
Brian Collins (Australian Amigos)
Brennan Bennett (Senior Spartans)
Noah Ratcliffe (DVC Elite)
Conlin Potsma (H1 And1)

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